Part 3 of my insights from the AyadaLabs incubator FashionCity is currently participating in.
This class on storytelling is so good. Read on.
Story telling is one way to effectively tell your audience and customers what your brand offers, compelling them to buy.
A story should have definites in it.
Definites are time, place, character, problem and how your business provides a solution.
Sales stories help build rapport with your customers. It really helps to say a lot of things about your brand and that is why every business owner must learn how to tell great stories.
Now lets go on to how to tell great stories?
First of all, a story should have a clear message about your brand, be interesting to read and should draw people or get people interested in your brand.
Secrets from Steve Jobs
Sell the experience and not the product. Bring details to life. Which do you prefer? 2G storage or 200 songs?
You really want your audience to feel and understand the problems and difficulties your brand is addressing so they can appreciate the convenience your solution is bringing.
Present the big picture. I absolutely love this example. 1000 songs in your pocket
Bring numbers to life
Highlight the problem and offer a solution.
There are different types of stories and its important to know when to tell each.
When you have intending customers, you can tell the how we started story to help intending customers understand the 'why’ behind your brand.
Telling customer experience stories also helps solidify the little confidence they are building about your product. You want to tell true stories of real experiences of customers interacting with your product or service.
Problem stories are great because they highlight the real experiences people go through. If your business offers a great solution to these problems, it will be a great way to garner sales.
I personally love the ‘value adding' stories. These are stories that add value to your product offering.
For example, I run an online fashion training platform called FashionCity and we offer short but intensive WhatsApp trainings for fashion creatives who wants to improve their skills and also for people seeking to learn how to sew and draft pattern from scratch.
A value adding story I can post on my social media platform would probably be about the NYEES competition, an initiative of the Ministry of Youths Affairs.
Its a grant competition aimed towards empowering entrepreneurs in the creative space: film and fashion in particular. Entrepreneurs were requested to post a creative 1min video showing what they do. I can then draw conclusions in my post and say for you to be able to participate; you need to have a skill that you can showcase.
I will end my post by advertising my 1 month Bodice to Bustier MasterClass’(An intensive dressmaking course on WhatsApp, aimed at fashion designers who use freehand sewing but would like to learn how to use patterns from scratch, and also anybody who can sew but would like to learn how to draft well fitted dresses, jumpsuits, bustiers, halter neck, trousers, skirts and cape using personal body measurements), encouraging people to take advantage of this opportunity to learn a skill online at a very affordable fee and start making a living from it.
This way, I have provided them with valuable funding information and for those who dont have a creative skill and would want to learn fashion online to take advantage of grants like this, my training ad would steer them into making a quick decision.
Thats all for todays lesson.
Make sure you tell a great story today!